Add Your Data to CEAPP

Note that the trancripts you upload are expected to be transcribed using CHAT Conventions.

At the home page, choose Add Transcript under User Menu.

Enter or select the appropriate information in each box. Note that when naming your transcripts, you are encouraged to remain systematic and consistent.

Once you have entered the appropriate information, click on Create Transcript.

Upload your transcripts and videos in the new pop-up window. Note that the size of the videos needs to be under 256M. To reduce the size of the video, please try to compress the video using a video editing tool such as HandBrake ( Choose the highest compress rate and lowest frame.

If the video is still too large, try to split the video into segments. Organize your videos chronologically, and fill out the second blank Order in the form.

Finally, the default Audio Volume is predefined as 20 in the form. After you upload your video,
make sure you go to the browse page, click into your transcript, click sound wave and see if it is displayed correctly. If the soundwave is too bulky or simply is a straight line, come back to edit the Audio Volume accordingly.